Terms of Service
Please read carefully and understand our terms of service. This provides an overview of how we interact with clients who visit our website or utilize our services.
Firstly, please understand that due to the nature of online learning and the value information holds, we are unable to offer a full refund for services, courses or advice rendered.
If you fail to complete a course within a specified period, please contact us as we may be able to extend the time needed to complete the course to attain your certificate.
Time restrictions for online courses may be in place to motivate you to complete the components by a set date, should the date expire, you may contact us for an extension.
Additional non-returnable and non-refundable items:
- Digital Downloads
- Consultations
change of mind
Due to the nature of online learning and the value of information we cannot offer a full refund for a change of mind.
We provide enough information for you to make an accurate and educated assessment of whether the services we offer are relevant to your needs.
Should you feel you made the wrong choice and need to change your selected course or service, please contact us.
If you are unsure, seek the advice of other professionals (advisers, lawyers, accountants etc.) to help you better understand our Terms of Service prior to purchasing a course or digital product or employing our services.
affiliate terms
We provide influencers with the opportunity to derive income from commissions on the sale of courses and content behind our paywall. Affiliates may not represent themselves as an employee of our business, creator of any product or distributor of any product. Affiliates have no rights to distribute and resell products. Doing so would breach copyright.
Affiliates may share the links and promotional media via our affiliate platform. We offer generous 10% commission on sales and a 5% coupon code for you to share with your followers and fans to incentivize purchases. Commissions are applied after the coupon code. Sharing of the coupon code is at your discretion.
Commissions will be paid monthly, where the amount owing exceeds A$120.00, where amounts are less than this, they will be carried over to the next month and paid out once this criterion is met. Commission payments are made via PayPal.
We reserve the right to remove any participant in our affiliate program who appears inactive for a period of 3 months.
earnings disclaimer
The information we provide in our courses is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only, we also cannot predict your earnings success should you join our affiliate program.
- We are not offering you a business opportunity.
- We are not offering you a distributorship.
- We are not making any claims as to the potential income you may earn.
- Nor are we presenting you with any opportunity to “get rich”.
Always seek the advice of your own personal professional and qualified advisors. If you are unsure of our terms, make sure to seek the advice of your lawyer and accountant for clarification before you proceed.
Any references to income earned are used for demonstration purposes only and we make no claims or representations you would achieve those same results.
Testimonials shared are done so in good faith. Your success is determined by many factors including existing educational background, your knowledge, practical experience and current skills.
Given everyone is different, success is determined by factors specific to you. We do not know how much time or effort you devote to achieving goals or tasks, so we cannot guarantee your success.
Nor can we guarantee you will earn any money/income from the ideas and information offered or presented or that you will attain or achieve the same results as others by following the same methods.
Please understand that past performance cannot be an indication of possible future results. Also, any forward-thinking statements are made with the purpose of demonstrating what may be possible. We cannot predict the future.
Need help?
Contact us at enquiries@modernmediaschool.com for questions related to any of our policies.
our Mission
Help educate the next generation of modern media content creators, content marketers and social media influencers.
our Vision
To help 1 million people learn and start their modern media journey or career creating awesome modern media content to promote themselves or their business and serve their community.
our Values
- Support Learners
- Share Knowledge
- Build Community